
P.s. Moving sucks

Just in case anyone is wondering. I hate moving. Really I just hate packing, the actual taking our crap from one place to another really just makes me grateful for everything we have. Especially when it comes to kitchen stuff. When we moved from west boise to the north end I decided to be a good little helper and packed up our entire kitchen a week early. Which as you can imagine left us to eat burger king for all 3 meals, or gas station food for breakfast. Cool huh. We have a lot more stuff this time around as well. Since we have become pregnant everyone gives us stuff (which I LOVE) but now there's more to move.
Pregnancy is going well and all that. I have another appointment monday afternoon and I will be 16 weeks. I am tired alllllllll the time, worse than in my first trimester, but since there is so much to do before we move I feel guilty not packing or cleaning in some form. I also seem to have a growing little bellie which kevin LOVES and comments on how much he loves it all the time. Makes me happy.
Today was my last day at work. Everyone else took pictures but me. Our camera has been without batteries since February. But when I get some I will post some soon. I had better get back to packing . . .or at least pretending.

1 comment:

Ader Family said...

I know how you feel about moving. I just moved an entire apartment into one bedroom this past weekend. OMIGOSH - I have too much stuff. hehe...
Good luck with the moving. Wish I was there to help.
Good luck making that cute baby!

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