{Picture below has nothing to do with post, I just like it.}
Managing my moods is quite a task. I find it ridiculous how often I feel annoyed or irritated. I get so angry, that I get angry! It's a vicious cycle! When I said this to my doctor, she laughed out loud at me. Then apologized. I laughed too.
If I were watching me, I would think, man she's needs to just relax! And when I really relax, I just fall asleep :)
I was cruising on pinterest whilst the child was napping and saw this....
I thought, hey! That totally sounds like me! When my husband chews his jaw pops and I often want to strangle him for it. How sad is that? He's just eating! Or when he tosses a ball in his lap during a football game.....or clicks a pen over and over. I just want to lose it. But often I just say "BABE, please...." and he knows.
So I googled. MISOPHONIA. Clicked on THIS LINK, and was blown away.
"literally, the hatred of sound"
I hate noise. I really do. I am very sensitive to it.
This is literally what my brain feels like when there is too much sound or chaos.
It's like I can barely think straight.
So I text messaged my brother, who is the same way.
And so is my Dad.
and my Mom...
This is starting to make sense!
I'm not just crazy.
Just a random thought.
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