So.....the guys that were supposed to sign up for our lease flaked out.....Really. Yeah really. They even paid $85 bucks for applications. Freaking waste of my time. Not sure if we will get the duplex now. I've had 4-5 people call and want to come see it. FINGERS CROSSED.

I am really tired of having a pizza face with pregnancy. I know I don't have it that bad, but still. Grr.

I have to be really happy though because we found this sewing machine on ksl for a steal! Ehhh is it that great? This happens to be the exact same model of the one I learned on! So I don't have to learn anything new.....I know it like the back of my hand.
Oh no!! I hope it all works out with the new place! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!
I hope that everything works out for you guys.
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