
The NEVER ending battle....

My name is Suzanne, and I always want what I don't have.....
I miss my long hair! Waaaa Waaaa, you better get this baby a bottle.
I was a tough girl for about 2 years straight. I didn't cut my hair for 2 whooooole years. Even while I was growing it out, which takes a TON of patience, I still wanted to cut it.
Cody was born and my hair was the longest it's been in years. Even though it was long and flowing, it was H E A V Y and it had the texture of crisco. Crisco you say? You mean crisco as in shortening? Yes that's what I said.
I didn't have time to dry it or worry about it so I cut it. Loved it for a while.
Cut it again. Loved it even more for a while.... Now here I am. Stuck.

This is a pic from this summer, I miss two things here, my tan, and the flowing locks. PS Don't kill me because I am doing the infamous pout in this pic, I really was more trying to kiss my hair.... show it how much I loved it..... and all the time I had to do it.

Random? No, this wasn't a pic of the nurse it was of my pony tail, trailing down my shoulders.... sad.

I know I'm not the only one whom feels this way? Can I get a HOLLA back???


The Cornett Family said...

HOLLA!!! I chopped my hair a couple of weeks ago, about a foot total. Really wish I would have taken it easier...maybe a few inches at first. But I guess hair grows. Your's looks totally cute though, nothing to cry about!

The Cornett Family said...

um ok, so I just told a slight lie. I was just looking at a picture of my longer hair, and it wasn't quite a foot that I chopped off. More like 8-10 inches. Whew, I'm glad I got that off my chest!

Anonymous said...

I kissed my locks goodbye after my first baby and here I am the mother of 4 and my hair never passed my shoulders. who has the time? your hair looks great no tears please!

Tara C. said...

I hear ya. I had really long hair, way past my bra strap long. I got really sick of blow drying it and taking care of it, so I cut it right before I got pregnant. Now I'm dying for it to be long again! It truly is an endless cycle.

Darin and Sarah Frank said...

well at least you cut your hair after you were pregnant. I chopped mine when I was 8 months pregnant with Bryson and I am still trying to grow it out. Anyways your hair always looks awesome.

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