Yeah that's right. I counted in the back of my mind during relief society today. 46 more days or 6 more Sundays til Cody goes to Nursery, and I have to tell you, I can't wait. Our ward has Sacrament last which is really hard. He usually sits through relief societ nooooo problem, is a little more squirmy during sunday school, then Sacrament comes and it's like all hell breaks lose.

I know I will survive just fine and I don't have much to complain about seeing as how we only have 1 kid. I just needed to vent. Wheh! I feel better. 6 more weeks...HANG IN THERE!
im counting down the weeks with ya sister!!!
Good luck :) I was lucky because Addi went to nursery early since her mommy was the nursery leader :)
I think you may need to warm up your nursery leaders with some cookies or something. It looks like that boy knows how to throw a fit!
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