
Dear Kyle Post (and everyone else)

This is The Devil's Punchbowl that we were talking about. It freaks me out. But then again, I have plenty of "fears" or I like to say "things that freak me out" such as...
(Not that I don't like to look at these things, it's just a lot for my mind to handle)

Energy Sufficient Windmills....kinda give me the chills

Lake water. "How can this be!?" I grew up around lakes....but since moving away from them and not being around them at all.....all I can think is how many bodys could be at the bottom....
Heights. I do not feel the need to explain myself on this one.
Guns. I am getting better though. I R-E-F-U-S-E-D to touch one about a year ago, and since then I've shot 2.


The Saling Family said...

I'm with ya on the heights and guns. Mitch wants to take me shooting... I don't know. I don't know if I'll ever get over heights, which is sorta ironic don't ya think?

Emily and Russell Petty said...

No way! If that "Devil's Punchbowl" is in Oregon, I've totally been there!!

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