This is The Devil's Punchbowl that we were talking about. It freaks me out. But then again, I have plenty of "fears" or I like to say "things that freak me out" such as...
(Not that I don't like to look at these things, it's just a lot for my mind to handle)
Energy Sufficient Windmills....kinda give me the chills
Lake water. "How can this be!?" I grew up around lakes....but since moving away from them and not being around them at all.....all I can think is how many bodys could be at the bottom....
Heights. I do not feel the need to explain myself on this one.
Guns. I am getting better though. I R-E-F-U-S-E-D to touch one about a year ago, and since then I've shot 2.
I'm with ya on the heights and guns. Mitch wants to take me shooting... I don't know. I don't know if I'll ever get over heights, which is sorta ironic don't ya think?
No way! If that "Devil's Punchbowl" is in Oregon, I've totally been there!!
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