You've heard me say it before. I hate apartment living. I think it's just my insane amounts of jealousy I have for those who do own homes. Those who get their crap together and save up like adults, and buy their own house. Hmm.
Our lease is up in less than 47 days. I am so pumped it's almost here. Although I still find myself stressing out when looking for a new place. We want to rent a house but for pete's sake they are EXPENSIVE to rent! I think we will most likely end up in a townhome.
At least that way we wouldn't have to guy up the stairs to get to our place, and we would only have side neighbors. After yesterdays big catch up on groceries at winco I never want to see stairs again, at least not 45 of them.

Maybe my saturday nights don't have to be filled with porch yelling. I don't care how much you can bench douche, just shut the heezy up. Still none the less I am still stressed/worried about our next place and loving it. I am not looking for advice, I am just letting my thoughts run.

That's okay because we finished off the evening with Papa Murphy's pizza and....

I love this show! So Funny!
Isn't modern family great? We LOVE it. Sometimes it scares me how much Ty resembles Phil.
I love this show. "Don't talk black!"
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