
It's MY choice

Now, before I start talking about this, if you are planning on "telling me what to do" or being negative at all, stop reading now, and leave me be.
C-section. Sigh. I never thought it would happen to me....happen to you? Like it's bad? It's not bad. It's just not what I wanted. I was devastated for months and months about it. Even somedays I am still holding my head in shame, BUT I quickly get over that when I see how stinking healthy and adorable my little boy is. SO it was not a complete loss. And I know if it weren't for me having one, I would have died....he simply would NOT come out. I would know. I pushed for almost 3 long hours, and was in agony by the end. I am not trying to say I had to roughest, longest labor of all, but it is not something I am looking forward to.
VBAC is known as vaginal birth after casarean. I have considered this a few times....and by that I mean I literally have thought about this every single day since Cody was born. Some days I am so sure I will try to have a regular one again.....and others I think to myself "No freaking way, wouldn't it just be easy to schedule one?". I have researched the risks of vbac's and they aren't terrible, but your incision could rupture and you could bleed to death.......that's scary.
Sigh, I don't know what I will end up doing. I know it's something I will talk to my doctor about, pray hard, and think being thinking about everday til this #2 is born. Wheh. I just thought I would post about it. Whether you had a vaginal birth or a c-section like me, we are all amazing women who were lucky enough to concieve and bring beautiful spirits into this world.
In the words of Forrest Gump....."That's all I have to say about that...."


Norm and Jan said...

You are the most awesome woman!!
so proud of you!!

Shawn AND Chelsey said...

Whatever you decide to do it will all work out great! And you will have a special little baby at the end!!

Daines said...

You are so amazing! That's so cool that you would even think about doing that again. That's awesome, it's totally your choice!

mrsmonje said...

I think its great either way, I just cant wait for the next one to get here!!

Amanda said...

Gina Cazier had her second via VBAC. She wanted to deliver vaginally so bad that I am pretty sure she went like 2 weeks past her due date to let the baby come on her own. Its a hard decision to make and I am sure you will toss around options until the end. I thought mine of having my membranes striped early was a tough decision. I don't envy you, but I am sure whatever you decide will work out GREAT!

Darin and Sarah Frank said...

I know what you mean about being really upset about having a C-Section. I have a really hard time with that myself.

Anonymous said...

what ever you decide you will do great, but as you know I had 3 of my four by c-section and I didn't feel like the vaginal birth was anymore special than the others. Call me if you want to talk. I hope this not the kind of comment you didn't want on here. Sorry if I'm stiking my nose where it doesn't belong.

Liz and Grant said...

That is the same debate I keep having when we have another baby. I was bummed when I found out we had to have a c-section, I felt like I was being robbed of the experience of a vaginal delivery- I don't even know what a contraction feels like. BUT after I had Hallie, I kind of feel like c-sections are the greatest thing ever. I would gladly have c-sections with all of my babies, except for the fact that it's only safe to have 3 kids if you do that... So I understand the constant wrestling with the decision, you'll know what's right for you, and either way you'll end up with another stinkin cute baby which it pretty exciting:)

Anonymous said...

To the above commenter, you can have more than 3 babies by c-sectiona as long as your uterus is not thinning. I have had 3 c-sections and my doctor said that my uterus is in great shape if I want to have another. So who knows maybe you could have 50:) Sorry just thought this might make you happy to know. Ok I'm don't commenting for a few months. Usually I am a non commenter. I must be bored!!!!

The Saling Family said...

I've done both and prefer neither. :) I think people who adopt have got a good thing goin'.

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